Wednesday, 30 March 2016


Weakness of, and distortion in, the Indian democratic system is again exposed . Nainital high courts "decision in totality " is wrong and damaging to the system. High courts, have no right and should not have any right, to pass any judgment against the decision of President of India.
If any such provision is there in the constitution, then why we spend so much energy, time and money in the erection of parliamentary system, LET JUDICIARY RULE THE NATION.

”In a democratic country, democratically elected ,democratic head of India, that is, President of India ,with the help of its democratically elected cabinet takes a decision and implements it. Then no institution in the country have right and authority to change the decision. If any constitution provides judiciary to rule over the decision of President, then CONSTITUTIONALLY IT MAY BE  RIGHT BUT DEMOCRATICALLY IT IS TOTALLY WRONG.
Chief authority of constitution, our president should be the last word.

This is what Mrs. Indira Gandhi has made the President of India by 42nd amendment.
Any Tom Dick or Harry can change the President's decision. NONSENSE !!

It's a matter of huge debate  "Restoration of presidential authority in the constitution"