Monday, 25 April 2016

Europe, bearing the burden of American blunders 

Rebel groups fighting for Sunni dominance in Syria ,and are considered good terrorists by America ,are as harmful to humanity as ISIS. Rebel groups were, almost wiped out by Russians, but suddenly time out taken by America for their re-consolidation ,in the name of Hippocratic gesture of peace talks  is anti human .
Now today,in his speech Mr.Obama said that they are going to support and train their good terrorists to fight against ISIS.which is again a false and nonsense statement.Just to fool its, idiotic European allies ,or you can say self- flagellating, homosexual European idiots, which they called NATO. 
Self- flagellating, homosexual idiots, this is the impression, we majority of Indians carry about Europeans.Any community down with such a sin and guilt, can not possess , moral courage and reason,against wrong doings. Only self  created  Hippocratic ideologies of  burning candles or putting flowers here and there,for so called human cause is their inferiority complex fighting practice.
America takes advantage of there swollen inferiority gland and keep raising ideological scale for them. and keep motivating them to meet that scale.without any reason and resistance they follow America.They must work over their self respect.
American policy is anti- Kurd and pro- Turkey in Syria, pro rebels, pro-ISIS and anti-Russia in Syria
pro- Kurd and anti- ISIS  in Iraq, and anti-Assad, and pro- ISIS in Syria.Nobody can make out any thing from this. This all shows, a clever business man selling arms to the needy. Humanity is suffering, because of CHAMPIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS  

Sunday, 24 April 2016


What are the grounds or issues on which America blackmailed Mr. Putin.or twisted Russian arms, or threatened him that he suddenly pulled it self from Syrian war ,which Russians were at the edge of win or finish. fighting is on, in a Turkish border dist.of Syria.between rebels, ISIS and state forces. A favorite battle field for Russia. But Putin's action is absent. Inst ed America with it's dubious strategy referee- ing with its Drone.

Obama's sorry saying or apologetic visit to Saudi Arabian  just after it's blackmailing threat to America on 9/11, is a great example of shameful diplomacy It automatically nullifies role of UNITED NATIONS and so called resolutions and pledges of joker nations, against ,so called terrorism.Supporting Saudi's  state terror in Yemen.because American arms, purchased by Saudi's are in use.Obama as a businessman, gave assurance of supplies.

Than to Germany ,down with influx of Syrian and Lebian refugees .spoiling whole demographic balance of Europe Every Muslim is a restless soul .they can't live with peace .The day they feel settled, they will start multiplying like Amoeba ,after attaining  satisfying number  they would stat pressurizing  govt. for constitutional amendments, for Islamic laws.

Whole Europe, bearing the burden of American blunders and sins in Syria. Britain a bit smarter country wants to pull away from EU, an almost failed experiment. with a strong currency value only pound can give stability to Euro and EU hypothesis , which Britain don't want. Obama went all the way to Britain, to force it to remain in the union.  (rest tomorrow )

Friday, 22 April 2016


Weak prime-minister ship, : after using presidential discretionary power, couldn't establish and    defend it.

Biased judiciary..Judge with a negative past

Dubious Advocacy. Have a previous records of embarrassing the govt..

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Over democratization is a state of stone age .

We must setup democratic limits..
Indian president is the supreme elected institution. He is our democratic limit. Judiciary is not an elected institution. It can not, and it should not rule out any democratic decision. A court of mere high court level passing insulting remarks to our presidency. Only full bench of supreme court should have right to consider presidents order, and full bench, through his remarks should address to the parliament to re-analyze president's decisions on such and such points, and then parliament should debate over it and should send their findings to the president for re consideration. This is how you can make your supreme democratic authority, accountable.
Uttarakhand High court expressing its views as a roadside hoodlum,punk,scoundrel or you can say,like JNU communists. High court went out of way and out of its limit. It must be checked
How congress can claim ,It's a victory of democracy. A court is damaging your whole democratic institution. This decision is damaging India. It is giving a message that there is no supreme authority in India. By accepting Uttarakhand HC decision India took one more step towards its disintegration.
This is what I called distortion of democracy.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Country is a geography not culture or cast at all.

Kanhaiya kumar :

" राष्ट्रवाद और देशभक्ति में बहुत फर्क है। जब हम राष्ट्र की बात करते हैं तो राष्ट्र का कांसेप्ट यूरोप से आया है। एक धर्म के आइडेंटिटी पर जब हम हिंदुस्तान की बात करते हैं राष्ट्रवाद से ज़्यादा एप्रोप्रियेट वर्ड है देशभक्ति क्योंकि यहाँ एक आइडेंटिटी नहीं है। यहाँ मल्टी आइडेंटिटी है। तो इंडिया का जो नशनलिजम है क्योंकि इंडिया नेशन ऑफ़ नेशन्स है। यहाँ मल्टी नशनल्टी है। और इसका जो नशनलिजम है उसमे मल्टीकल्चरिजम है।  यहां तमाम धर्म भाषा छेत्र के लोग रहते हैं। उनमे हरेक का अपना नशनलिजम है और उन तमाम नशनलिजम को रिप्रेजेंट करता है इंडिया का नशनलिजम। जिसे हम कहते हैं भारत का नशनलिजम और वही नशनलिजम हमें हक देता है,अधिकार देता है की संविधान में जो रिस्ट्रिक्शन है ,बोलने की आज़ादी की उसके साथ साथ हमारे लब भी आज़ाद हैं। "                                            

(सशब्द वक्तव्य है ये कन्हैया  कुमार का   )   
( Published on March 4th 2016 )

Kanhaiya kumar, a man on conditional bail under sedition charge, started a debate on what is nation and what is nationalism ? which communists, muslims and sympathising media channels are trying to establish through each and every possible platform. I worked over the source of this mischievous and self destructive thought process , and luckily found it in the last or concluding speech of Mr. Ambedkar , in constituent assembly. Communists have distorted it to suit them and to INSTIGATE the inferiority complex glands of certain sections and outsourced it to muslims who don’t digest India as a nation. (It's a sad but naked fact at grass root level.)

 Mr.B.R. Ambedkar  :
“I remember the days when politically-minded Indians, resented the expression "the people of India".  They preferred the expression "the Indian nation." I am of opinion that in believing that we are a nation, we are cherishing a great delusion. How can people divided into several thousands of castes be a nation? The sooner we realize that we are not as yet a nation in the social and psychological sense of the world, the better for us. For then only we shall realize the necessity of becoming a nation and seriously think of ways and means of realizing the goal. The realization of this goal is going to be very difficult,.... we must overcome all these difficulties if we wish to become a nation in reality. For fraternity can be a fact only when there is a nation.”
Friday, the 25th November, 1949

the deliberate mischief and hidden agenda in both philosophies of nationalisms. why they are establishing cast is a nation, or, cast causes a nation, or cast should be the basis of nation and fraternity among cast is nationalism ?

Before Independence castes were there ,all the cultures were there. They had fraternity  amongst them against Britishers, but  INDIA as nation was not there. India,  Physically or you can say GEOGRAPHICALLY , was not there. A nation was born or existed only on 15th Aug 1947 when it got a geography with demarcated border line.

In my opinion country is a geography not culture or cast at all.

You can not limit,


You can not cross another nation's boundary, try to do that with Pakistan's boundary, and you will learn what is nation ? Though culture wise we are same. Look at Nepal ,we are of same cast, same religion, same culture, we share relatives across the border, even then we two nations have very serious border disputes. Relatives at both sides are not ready to compromise at any cost , as far as their national boundaries are concerned.
Nation and nationalism should have been a non issue after 15th Aug 1947. If it is still existing, means certain sections are still working over it's hidden agenda.
We HINDUS after facing and bearing cruelty and suppression of thousands of years, got our motherland, and you started asking us what is Hinduism and what is nationalism, and difference between nation and matrabhumi ?
We know that India is a disintegrating country, the way it’s being handled. It is just a matter of time. It’s seeds were sown in the constitution at the time of it’s formation. Now it has surfaced  because of a weak prime minister ship. Exposing the undercurrent and hidden social agenda and then delibrately not handling them or curing them for political benefits, I call it a weak prime ministerhip. So called backward classes  and Muslims always welcomed a Hippocratic prime minister. They are lucky in that way . We shall not let this happen.
It is some section of Muslims, outsourcing their nuisance to the frustrated communist, who are being funded by chinese agencies plus American foundations, through whom America, destabilizes a stable society, which are happy within its cultural belief with its own economic base, and can be financial threat to them, or they see them as potential arms market. India can be a financial threat or can hurt American financial ego as a huge consumer market so India is a target
I expect my govt. to work over all these issues.