Europe, bearing the burden of American blunders
Rebel groups fighting for Sunni dominance in Syria ,and are considered good terrorists by America ,are as harmful to humanity as ISIS. Rebel groups were, almost wiped out by Russians, but suddenly time out taken by America for their re-consolidation ,in the name of Hippocratic gesture of peace talks is anti human .
Now today,in his speech Mr.Obama said that they are going to support and train their good terrorists to fight against ISIS.which is again a false and nonsense statement.Just to fool its, idiotic European allies ,or you can say self- flagellating, homosexual European idiots, which they called NATO.
Self- flagellating, homosexual idiots, this is the impression, we majority of Indians carry about Europeans.Any community down with such a sin and guilt, can not possess , moral courage and reason,against wrong doings. Only self created Hippocratic ideologies of burning candles or putting flowers here and there,for so called human cause is their inferiority complex fighting practice.
America takes advantage of there swollen inferiority gland and keep raising ideological scale for them. and keep motivating them to meet that scale.without any reason and resistance they follow America.They must work over their self respect.
American policy is anti- Kurd and pro- Turkey in Syria, pro rebels, pro-ISIS and anti-Russia in Syria
pro- Kurd and anti- ISIS in Iraq, and anti-Assad, and pro- ISIS in Syria.Nobody can make out any thing from this. This all shows, a clever business man selling arms to the needy. Humanity is suffering, because of CHAMPIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS