Wednesday 17 November 2021

Issue of 15th November 2021

Saturday 16 October 2021

 Issue of 1st October 2021

RSS and BJP-ians are not true representatives of Hinduism.

Thursday 2 September 2021


Issue of 1st September 2021

China, Russia and Turkey are the major stakeholders in Afghanistan. Hidden players like India are playing through proxies.

Tuesday 17 August 2021

 Issue of 15th August 2021

A philosophical confusion always generates inferiority complex regarding independence of our country.

Tuesday 3 August 2021

DISTORTED DEMOCRACY,  Issue of 1st August 202. 
Only strong sedition policy & law in Constitution can save dismantling and disintegrating India.


Thursday 1 July 2021


Issue of 1st July 2021
Demography manipulation and aggressive work on voter list shall we the measures of UP. elections 2022.
Voting will be against Modi Yogi and Hinduism.
Better administration and development are non issues for opposition voters.

Saturday 19 June 2021

Issue of 15th June 2021

Its not corona but in the name of beneficiary schemes excessive pumping of funds in system and agriculture policy is responsible for financial mess. 
Unaccountable financial strategy of central govt. generating revenue in wrong ways, and misusing it.

Monday 17 May 2021

 International diplomacy and interest groups behind spread of pandemic in India.

Issue of 15th May 2021

Saturday 1 May 2021

 Orchestrated spread of virus, biased behavior of medical staff, corrupt behavior of district administration and set agenda of media and artificial panic generation through social media by anti-national elements are making a common men's life hell.

Issue of 1st May 2021

 Issue of 15th April 2021

Friday 19 February 2021

Issue of 15th Feb 2021

"Chipko" a great philosophy,gives you chance to mother your mother nature. 

Issue of 1st February 2021