Monday, 30 November 2015

"tons per capita"

Increase Tree population and Decrease, human population,is

the only technological option left with us for global warming.

With the help of India, UN is at the verge of forming one more Organization. Through which Security Council members or you can say dominant members are going to terrorize  poor nations, and are going to put many more compulsions on them to hide their sins.

"World top leaders" (nonsense). they are not world leaders, they are mere political representatives of their political parties, which happens to be in power, in their respective countries. Guiding principles behind their every deed or gesture is their political ideology, their long or short term political interests, not HUMANITY. 

How can you expect a politician to act as GOD. We all know politicians are the lowest form of humans. How can they think of humanity or global welfare?

 Global warming Scale of responsibility distribution is quite unreasonable; we must generate some other way of calculation. Whatever way you calculate, double movement of earth (1st on its axis, 2nd on its orbit) shall not let you, justify its value.
Carbon emission is calculated in terms of "tons per capita". Per capita means "emission is directly proportional to population" Means greater the population, lesser the tonnage per capita. Lower the population higher the tonnage per capita. Means control of human population should have got prime attention, but Political interests or religious compulsions of certain countries are not letting them to pursue the subject. For example take Mr. Modi  from INDIA. if he dares to address problem of population control , Muslims and their secular drum beaters, shall establish him a communal Hindu. So he is also pursuing half truth of Greener globe.
So the UN must consider, every country's  internal and peculiar problem, of "so called" "carbon emission". and should make separate scale and strategy. Work over Alternate energy source and compulsive regulations and formation of a global regulatory body is a must.
With all these hippocracy and theaterism in Paris, if humans (USA & EU ) could generate even one percent honest commitment, Our, world will be cooler again.  

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Congress again distorting democratic process, Instead of debating pros &cons of
GST bill in the  parliament hall , so the whole nation can listen and react , they are bargaining over it in the drawing room of Prime minister .Asking him to settle issues of different parliamentary proceedings, on their conditions, outside the parliament, only then they will let, parliament to function. Just think over it, pre- conditioned issues, pre- prepared speeches, and very well rehearsed discussions, shall change parliament in to Bolshoi Theater. 

  An under developed idiot with dwarf body mind and knowledge again justifying his stupidity by putting nonsense condition, that there should be a fixed 18% GST cap and it should be made, a constitutional provision .In such a volatile field of economy, which changes with multiple international, national, factors and even  changes with weather conditions, how can you fix a factor which is subject to change with every movement, and if you want to change it, you will have to amend your constitution again and again. 

Thursday, 26 November 2015

America a DEMOCRATIC TALIBAN vs ISLAMIC TALIBAN. let's see who wins. Very Interesting battle going on between the two. 

America wants to Democratize, Islam. and Islam wants to Talibanize Democracy.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015


Look what I had mentioned in my previous blog that by accepting resolution  2249(2015) in  UN, American idiots and European jokers are making fool of each other and the whole world. Now it is proved and very apparent by Turkish attack on Russian fighter planes for the violation of   5 seconds in their Territory, and not considering that they are fighting the same cause. It clearly establishes they are fighting for their individual interests and that war is not for HUMANITY.
 Turkey must be punished Mr. Putin. not for jeopardizing  UN resolution but for guarding, and working over American agenda . You must take this incident as your individual insult. World community is looking at you. They will loose faith in you. YOU ARE THEIR HERO AND GOD, A SAVIOR. Act as per your decisive image. Diplomatic punishment will not be enough. Military punishment is the only way. Otherwise every Tom Dick or Harry country of that area will make mockery of Russia, on behalf of America. 

Tuesday, 24 November 2015


Utter failure of American Policy in Syria is going to generate big setback for democrats. Long faced and depressed Obama and his team apparently exhibiting the guilt. They are making more fun of themselves by giving half baked and unjustified reasons.)A very well rehearsals melodramatic performance on - 09/24/14, At a summit by United States President Barack Obama summit presided over by United States President Barack Obama, opened by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and addressed by national leaders of 50 countries, the Security Council that  afternoon called on all States to cooperate urgently on preventing the international flow of terrorist fighters to and from conflict zones.

Through resolution 2178 (2014), adopted unanimously during a meeting that heard from over 50 speakers, the Council condemned violent extremism and decided that Member States shall, consistent with international law, prevent the “recruiting, organizing, transporting or equipping of individuals who travel to a State other than their States of residence or nationality for the purpose of the perpetration, planning of, or participation in terrorist acts”.

Expressing concern over the establishment of international terrorist networks, the Council underscored the “particular and urgent need” to prevent the travel and support for foreign terrorist fighters associated with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Al-Nusra Front (ANL) and other affiliates or splinter groups of Al-Qaida.

In that context, the Council, through the resolution, decided that all States shall ensure that their legal systems provide for the prosecution, as serious criminal offences, of travel for terrorism or related training, as well as the financing or facilitation of such activities.

Member States, it also decided, shall prevent entry or transit through their territories of any individual about whom that State had credible information of their terrorist-related intentions, without prejudice to transit necessary for the furtherance of judicial processes.  It called on States to require airlines to provide passenger lists for that purpose.

Outlining further measures for international cooperation to counter international terrorism and prevent the growth of violent extremism, it expressed readiness to designate additional individuals for sanctions listings, and directed the United Nations counter-terrorism subsidiary bodies to devote special focus to foreign terrorist fighters, assessing the threat they posed and reporting on principal gaps in Member States’ abilities to suppress their travel.

“The world is witnessing a dramatic evolution in the nature of the terrorist threat,” Secretary-General Ban said following the adoption.  He noted that in the past year thousands of civilians — the vast majority of them Muslims — had been killed, maimed, sexually abused and displaced by terrorists, from Afghanistan to Somalia to Nigeria, from Iraq to Libya to Mali.

More than 13,000 foreign terrorist fighters from more than 80 Member States had joined ISIL and the Al-Nusra Front as a consequence of the conflict in Syria, he said, citing the estimate of the United Nations Al-Qaeda-Taliban Monitoring Team.  Such terrorism must be defeated, but in a way that avoided further radicalization and civilian deaths.  That should be done through a multilateral, multifaceted strategy beyond the immediate security approach.  “Over the long term, the biggest threat to terrorists in not the power of missiles — it is the politics of inclusion,” he said.

Following the Secretary-General’s statement, national leaders took the floor, representing Council members and other Member States to welcome the adoption of the resolution, most pledging to cooperate in a global effort to prevent a flow of fighters to ISIL and other extremist groups.

Mr. Obama welcomed the international, high-level interest and consensus on the issue.  He added that international cooperation had already increased, with foreign fighters arrested, plots disrupted and lives saved but more capacity was needed to tackle the problem and prevent fighters from reaching Syria and slipping back over its borders.  Reformed former fighters should speak out against groups like ISIL that he said betrayed Islam.

The Prime Minister of Iraq expressed gratitude to all those who assisted his country but emphasized that more was needed, as Iraq was the front line against terrorism, with ISIL having slaughtered minorities and other civilians and driven hundreds of thousands from their homes.  He stressed that it was not an Iraqi organization, but created through foreign funding, ideologies of hate, oil smuggling networks and foreign recruitment networks, in addition to including former Ba’ath party members.

While most speakers acknowledged that a military and security approach to the international spread of terrorism was necessary in the short term, they stressed the need for a comprehensive approach that addressed marginalization, long-standing conflicts and other factors that helped attract individuals to extremism.

The Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation stressed the need for consistency in fighting all terrorist groups, and said that it was important to avoid empowering them through international interventions.  Syria’s representative, criticizing those who had supported armed groups in his country, stated that there were no good terrorists or bad terrorists.

Advocating a rethinking of international counter-terrorism strategy due to the fact that the problem was getting not better but worse, Argentina’s President said that above all it was critical to ensure adherence to human rights standards in fighting the scourge and not fuel further cycles of violence, in order to avoid “feeding the monster” of terrorism.

And now again these jokers have gathered to make fool of each other through Hippocratic emotions and again adopting a resolution 2249 (2015) moved by latest victim country, FRANCE.  Witch again utters, somewhat same language and same matter, adopted in past also, in addition with their outcry of destroying of humanity in France or war against France.

It seems, Up till now ISIS was not against humanity. I am sure , again they are not going to do anything concrete against isil ,because America won’t allow ISIS to be wiped out completely. America has to guard Israeli interest against neighbor  SYRIA. 

Even after going through such a  cruel attack ,and adoption of  so called resolution2249,to establish ,  poor President of  France running around the world leaders  for a proper  and composite action  isis  

 Why ?  Because ,each country has its own political  geographical ,ethnic economical agenda, which are more important to them ,than  HUMAN LIVES.     


Thursday, 19 November 2015

7th pay commission

7th pay commission, very inflationary. Just for 1 crore  direct and approx 4 crore  indirect beneficiary, pumping so much money in the system is not advisable, Indirectly it is going to affect lower and lower middle income group which forms 65% of India  and who are not considered as humans in our economy or economic planning They get their share through social beneficiary schemes, major chunk of which goes in party funds of central and state level. Rest goes to officials and corrupt system. which is again inflationary. We, the people of India except, Central govt. should rationalize 7th P.C. 

A INSPIRATION :----- Shri  Singhal ji

*Inspiring existence of Shri  Singhal ji is no more. We should now worry about VHP's future. Raw aggression of Shri Praveen Togadia can't compensate Mr. Singhal’s  sober, and disciplined aggression. In this secular INDIA, Hindus present and future of next generation is safe, only when VHP is strong and disciplined. Hindus should not expect anything from RSS and BJP. They are impotent brands of Hinduism. Up till now with his personal outlook, will power, aggression and effort  Mr.  Singhal use to set Hindu agenda for RSS & BJP. He always overshadowed RSS BJP. (Must read the agreement between the, than RSS chief and Cong. Govt. to lift the ban on RSS.) These things hurt but are facts.
Biggest challenge for Hindus, is to re-define or re- elaborate  Hinduism and to generate its acceptance in common HINDU Heart and mind.  A religious or a non religious Hindu, young generation, and women are not aware of true Hindu philosophy. They are highly  confuse between Hindu philosophy , Hindu spirituality,Hindu religion, Hindu faith, Religious rituals ,Hindu social rituals  Hindu socialism, and constitutional interpretation of Hinduism. .We must segregate them to enjoy the totality of HINDUISM. which we call "nature science" 

A vast task, which only some enlightened Hindus can perform. We shouldn’t expect and accept any thing from professional  BABA’s . It is they who are misinterpreting and generating confusion 

Shri  SINGHAL ji  is not here to guide us. Otherwise also, he always addressed, mega problems. I am  indicating about micro aspect of Hinduism 

Monday, 16 November 2015

It's hurting to see destruction of valuable and innocent human lives for a nonsense faith. I think, in a way they themselves are responsible . They didn't prepare them for this, which was inevitable. They themselves pampered such elements around in the name of human rights.   French are a vulnerable society. A society which worries more about their homosexual rights than social rights. In their intellectual gatherings they talk more about anal friction rather than their social friction, no one can help them. An army  Fighting for Homosexuality, for the army, shows it's  killing INSTINCT. Society Decorated with Homosexual marriage  can't  differentiate  between right or wrong, for their collective life. Advocating human rights for the people who are not humans, is a sign of week, confused, Hippocratic and self destructive society. Passing slogans, organizing candle marches and performing many other symbolic bullshit just to hide their weakness and inability to call wrong a wrong and right a right is in fashion in Europe. A bullshit, NATO countries, call human right, to de- stabiles, social system of other countries and war for themselves ,has proved them wrong many times. This Paris attack is a high time to rectify their social values, so French social system can generate it's own strength and collective reasoning. Europe must come out of American shadow and should take its own decisions. Otherwise American idiots and European jokers shall continue to depend on Russians for strength, decision in crises.  World can see what these idiots and jokers have done with humanity in countries like Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine now Syria.  Why can’t they see human rights violation in African countries, China Pakistan .
Everybody knows ISIL is an American demon, and very well fed by NATO. and were , still pampering them to implement American policy in Middle east. As usual American egoistic idiotic strategy  back fired  Refugee crises and RUSSIAN decisive intervention put them at defense , they were forced for serious participation against ISIL. And now facing ISIL’s retaliation which was evident.

Now they have gathered for crocodile tears in Antalya, Turkey

Sunday, 15 November 2015


It's hurting to see destruction of valuable and innocent human lives for a nonsense faith. I think, in a way they themselves are responsible . They didn't prepare them for this which was inevitable. They themselves pampered such elements around in the name of human rights. French are a vulnerable society. A society which worries more about their homosexual rights than social rights. In their intellectual gatherings they talk more about anal friction rather than their social friction, no one can help them. An army Fighting for Homosexuality in army, shows it's killing INSTINCT. Society Decorated with Homosexual marriage can't deferenceate between right or wrong for their collective life. Advocating human rights for the people who are not humans, is a sign of week, confused, Hippocratic and self destructive society. Passing slogans, organizing candle marches and performing many other symbolic bullshit just to hide their weakness and inability to call wrong a wrong and right a right is in fashion in Europe. A bullshit, NATO countries, call human right, to  de- stabilize, social system of other countries and war for themselves ,has proved them wrong many times. This Paris attack is a high time to rectify their social values, so French social system can generate it's own strength and collective reasoning. Europe must come out of American shadow and should take its own decisions. Otherwise American idiots and European jokers shall continue to depend on Russians for strength, decision in crises. World can see what these idiots and jokers have done with humanity in countries like Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine now Syria. Why can’t they see human rights violation in African countries, China Pakistan .Everybody knows ISIL is an American demon, and very well fed by NATO. and were , still pampering them to implement American policy in Middle east. As usual American egoistic idiotic strategy back fired Refugee crises and RUSSIAN decisive intervention put them at defense , they were forced for serious participation against ISIL. And now facing ISIL’s retaliation which was evident.Now they have gathered for crocodile tears in Antalya, Turkey