"tons per capita"
Increase Tree population and Decrease, human population,is
the only technological option left with us for global warming.
With the help of India, UN is at the verge of forming one
more Organization. Through which Security Council members or you can say dominant members are going to terrorize poor nations, and are going to put many more compulsions on them to hide their
"World top leaders" (nonsense). they are not world leaders, they are mere political representatives of their political parties, which happens to be in power, in their respective countries. Guiding principles behind their every deed or gesture is their political ideology, their long or short term political interests, not HUMANITY.
How can you expect a politician to act as GOD. We all
know politicians are the lowest form of humans. How can they think of humanity
or global welfare?
Global warming Scale of responsibility distribution is quite unreasonable;
we must generate some other way of calculation. Whatever way you calculate,
double movement of earth (1st on its axis, 2nd on its orbit) shall not let you,
justify its value.
Carbon emission is calculated in terms of "tons per capita". Per capita means "emission is directly proportional to
population" Means greater the population, lesser the tonnage per capita.
Lower the population higher the tonnage per capita. Means control of human
population should have got prime attention, but Political interests or
religious compulsions of certain countries are not letting them to pursue the subject.
For example take Mr. Modi from INDIA. if
he dares to address problem of population control , Muslims and their secular
drum beaters, shall establish him a communal Hindu. So he is also pursuing half
truth of Greener globe.
So the UN must consider, every country's internal and
peculiar problem, of "so called" "carbon emission". and should make separate
scale and strategy. Work over Alternate energy source and compulsive regulations
and formation of a global regulatory body is a must.
With all these hippocracy and theaterism in Paris, if humans (USA & EU ) could generate even one percent honest commitment, Our, world will be cooler again.