Utter failure of American Policy in Syria is going to generate big setback
for democrats. Long faced and depressed Obama and his team apparently
exhibiting the guilt. They are making more fun of themselves by giving half
baked and unjustified reasons.)A very well rehearsals melodramatic performance on -
09/24/14, At a summit by United States President Barack Obama summit presided
over by United States President Barack Obama, opened by United Nations
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and addressed by national leaders of 50 countries,
the Security Council that afternoon
called on all States to cooperate urgently on preventing the international flow
of terrorist fighters to and from conflict zones.
resolution 2178 (2014), adopted unanimously during a meeting that heard from over 50 speakers, the
Council condemned violent extremism and decided that Member States shall,
consistent with international law, prevent the “recruiting, organizing,
transporting or equipping of individuals who travel to a State other than their
States of residence or nationality for the purpose of the perpetration,
planning of, or participation in terrorist acts”.
Expressing concern
over the establishment of international terrorist networks, the Council
underscored the “particular and urgent need” to prevent the travel and support
for foreign terrorist fighters associated with the Islamic State in Iraq and
the Levant (ISIL), Al-Nusra Front (ANL) and other affiliates or splinter groups
of Al-Qaida.
In that context, the Council, through the resolution, decided that all States
shall ensure that their legal systems provide for the prosecution, as serious
criminal offences, of travel for terrorism or related training, as well as the
financing or facilitation of such activities.
Member States, it also decided, shall prevent entry or transit through their
territories of any individual about whom that State had credible information of
their terrorist-related intentions, without prejudice to transit necessary for
the furtherance of judicial processes. It called on States to require
airlines to provide passenger lists for that purpose.
Outlining further
measures for international cooperation to counter international terrorism and
prevent the growth of violent extremism, it expressed readiness to designate
additional individuals for sanctions listings, and directed the United Nations
counter-terrorism subsidiary bodies to devote special focus to foreign
terrorist fighters, assessing the threat they posed and reporting on principal gaps
in Member States’ abilities to suppress their travel.
“The world is witnessing a dramatic evolution in the nature of the terrorist
threat,” Secretary-General Ban said following the adoption. He noted that
in the past year thousands of civilians — the vast majority of them Muslims —
had been killed, maimed, sexually abused and displaced by terrorists, from
Afghanistan to Somalia to Nigeria, from Iraq to Libya to Mali.
More than 13,000 foreign terrorist fighters from more than 80 Member
States had joined ISIL and the Al-Nusra Front as a consequence of the conflict
in Syria, he said, citing the estimate of the United Nations Al-Qaeda-Taliban
Monitoring Team. Such terrorism must be defeated, but in a way that
avoided further radicalization and civilian deaths. That should be done
through a multilateral, multifaceted strategy beyond the immediate security
approach. “Over the long term, the biggest threat to terrorists in not
the power of missiles — it is the politics of inclusion,” he said.
Following the Secretary-General’s statement, national leaders took the floor,
representing Council members and other Member States to welcome the adoption of
the resolution, most pledging to cooperate in a global effort to prevent a flow
of fighters to ISIL and other extremist groups.
Mr. Obama welcomed the international, high-level interest and consensus on
the issue. He added that international cooperation had already increased,
with foreign fighters arrested, plots disrupted and lives saved but more
capacity was needed to tackle the problem and prevent fighters from reaching
Syria and slipping back over its borders. Reformed former fighters should
speak out against groups like ISIL that he said betrayed Islam.
The Prime Minister of Iraq expressed gratitude to all those who assisted his
country but emphasized that more was needed, as Iraq was the front line against
terrorism, with ISIL having slaughtered minorities and other civilians and
driven hundreds of thousands from their homes. He stressed that it was
not an Iraqi organization, but created through foreign funding, ideologies of
hate, oil smuggling networks and foreign recruitment networks, in addition to
including former Ba’ath party members.
While most speakers acknowledged that a military and security approach to the
international spread of terrorism was necessary in the short term, they
stressed the need for a comprehensive approach that addressed marginalization,
long-standing conflicts and other factors that helped attract individuals to
The Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation stressed the need for
consistency in fighting all terrorist groups, and said that it was important to
avoid empowering them through international interventions. Syria’s
representative, criticizing those who had supported armed groups in his
country, stated that there were no good terrorists or bad terrorists.
Advocating a rethinking of international counter-terrorism strategy due to the
fact that the problem was getting not better but worse, Argentina’s President
said that above all it was critical to ensure adherence to human rights
standards in fighting the scourge and not fuel further cycles of violence, in
order to avoid “feeding the monster” of terrorism.
And now again these jokers have gathered to make fool of each other through
Hippocratic emotions and again adopting a resolution 2249 (2015) moved by latest victim country,
FRANCE. Witch again utters, somewhat
same language and same matter, adopted in past also, in addition with their outcry
of destroying of humanity in France or war against France.
It seems, Up till
now ISIS was not against humanity. I am sure , again they are not going to do
anything concrete against isil ,because America won’t allow ISIS to be wiped
out completely. America has to guard Israeli interest against neighbor SYRIA.
Even after going through
such a cruel attack ,and adoption of so called resolution2249,to establish , poor President of France running around the world leaders for a proper
and composite action isis
Why ? Because
,each country has its own political geographical
,ethnic economical agenda, which are more important to them ,than HUMAN LIVES.
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